
Living trash cans are divided into several categories


Household waste is reclassified into three categories, […]

Household waste is reclassified into three categories, which are recyclables, hazardous waste and other waste. Therefore, living garbage cans wholesale manufacturers divide living garbage cans into three categories. Among them, recyclables refer to garbage suitable for recycling and resource utilization, including paper, plastic, glass, fabrics, bottles and cans, etc., which are collected in blue garbage containers. Hazardous garbage refers to garbage that contains harmful substances and requires special safe handling, including batteries. , lamps and daily chemicals, etc., are collected in red garbage containers, and other garbage means garbage that is not classified and collected in gray garbage containers.

There are three types of trash cans:

(1) Recyclables refer to wastes suitable for recycling, recycling and resource utilization.

mainly includes:

1. Paper: writing paper, packaging paper and other paper products that are not seriously stained. Such as newspapers, all kinds of wrapping paper, office paper, advertising paper, old magazines, etc.;

2. Plastic: waste container plastic, packaging plastic and other plastic products. Such as plastic bags, plastic bottles, foam plastic, disposable plastic lunch box tableware, hard plastic, etc.;

3. Metal: Various categories of scrap metal items. Such as cans, tin cans, lead toothpaste skins, etc.

4. Glass: colored and colorless waste glass products.

5. Fabrics: old textile clothing and textile products.

(2) Non-recyclables refer to garbage other than recyclable garbage. Common wastes are easily decomposed under natural conditions, such as skins, vegetable leaves, leftovers, flowers, branches and leaves, and used tea leaves.

(3) Toxic substances, such as waste batteries, waste fluorescent lamps, mercury thermometers, waste paint, boxes, jars and expired medicines that have been used for cosmetics.

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