
Tips for choosing plastic trash cans in public places


Garbage bins placed in public places have their own req […]

Garbage bins placed in public places have their own requirements. I don't know if everyone knows it, because the trash cans in public places are different from the trash cans in the home. They are subject to wind and rain. Therefore, it is easy to be destroyed, and it is easy to affect the trash because of rain or some people's left cigarette butts, so what are the requirements for the trash bins in specific public places? Trash can manufacturers and everyone reveal it!

Requirements for trash cans in public places

1. Protect from rain and sun. Garbage bins are mostly placed in public environments and open spaces. Food and other wastes need to be placed in the sun and rain to deteriorate and odor, and the sewage flows out, attracting flies and mosquitoes, which affects the environment.

2. Coordination of modeling and environment. The shape of public trash cans includes shapes, colors, materials, etc., which must be considered when coordinating with the overall environment. In terms of the main functions of the bin, the bin is designed to be simple and generous, in harmony with the environment, while paying attention to the durability of the material selection.

3, it is easy to put garbage. To make it convenient for people to use in the public environment, this is one of the requirements for the design of trash cans in public places. In order to facilitate the disposal of garbage, the opening direction of the garbage container opening is generally upward, lateral and oblique;

4, easy to remove garbage. The cleaner will clean the trash can many times a day, so the design of the trash can in public places should be convenient for the cleaners to remove the trash, and there should be no dead ends in the trash can.

The selection of plastic trash cans in public places is these requirements. Only plastic trash cans that meet these requirements can be used in public places, such as our parks, roadsides, and many other places. Plastic trash cans produced by our trash can manufacturers. Environmentally friendly trash cans are very good products, there are other types of products, if you need them, you can look at our product center, there are always the ones you like.

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