
What kind of trash bins should be thrown into unwanted green plants and flowers


Recently affected by garbage classification. They have […]

Recently affected by garbage classification. They have done various tricks to sort garbage, but they still don't know which category some garbage is classified into. What kind of trash do flowers and green plants belong to? What kind of trash cans should be put in? This brings difficulties to some people's lives. Let’s see if the flowerpot is recyclable. What kind of rubbish the flowerpot actually belongs to, this has made some citizens questioned, so "what kind of rubbish are you?" is very popular.

1. What kind of garbage are flowers and green plants?
Green planting of flowers belongs to wet garbage, because green planting of flowers is perishable garbage. Wet garbage refers to household waste such as kitchen waste, leftovers, expired food, melon skins and cores, green planting of flowers, and dregs of traditional Chinese medicine. When transporting wet garbage, pure liquid food waste, such as milk, should be poured directly into the sewer; packed wet garbage should be cleared and sorted, and packed into corresponding recyclable or dry garbage containers.

2. Are the flower pots recyclable garbage?
Flower pots are not recyclable garbage, but dry garbage, that is, other garbage, which refers to household garbage other than recyclable materials, hazardous garbage, and wet garbage. When discharging the garbage, drain as much as possible, and put the hard-to-identify household garbage into the dry garbage container. (For reference only, the specific classification requirements are subject to the territorial management department)

3. How to classify garbage.
How to classify garbage, household garbage can generally be divided into four categories: recyclable garbage, kitchen waste, hazardous garbage and other garbage.

1. Hazardous waste.
Wastes that cause direct or potential harm to human health or the natural environment mainly include waste batteries, waste lamps, waste medicines, waste paints and their containers. , But except for the centralized production of the unit.

2. Recyclable materials.
The waste suitable for recycling mainly includes waste paper, waste plastic, waste glass, waste metal, waste fabric, etc.

3. Wet garbage.
Perishable biomass waste mainly includes kitchen waste, scraps, expired food, melon skin core, flowers and green plants, etc.

4. Dry garbage.
Other household garbage except hazardous waste, recyclable materials and wet garbage.

The above is about what kind of garbage flowers and green plants belong to. Now do you know what kind of garbage cans you don't want green plants and flowers in?


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