
What are the garbage classification and colors of the plastic trash cans in the community


An overview of garbage classification Garbage classific […]

An overview of garbage classification

Garbage classification is a reform of the traditional way of garbage collection and disposal, and a scientific management method for effective garbage disposal. Faced with the situation of increasing garbage production and deteriorating environmental conditions, how to maximize the utilization of garbage resources, reduce the amount of garbage disposal, and improve the quality of living environment through garbage classification management is one of the urgent issues that all countries in the world are concerned about. .

Types of garbage classification

1. Recyclable garbage

It mainly includes five categories of waste paper, plastic, glass, metal and cloth.

Waste paper: mainly includes newspapers, periodicals, books, various wrapping papers, etc. However, be aware that paper towels and toilet paper are not recyclable because they are too water-soluble.

Plastic: all kinds of plastic bags, plastic foam, plastic packaging, disposable plastic lunch box tableware, hard plastic, plastic toothbrush, plastic cup, mineral water bottle, etc.

Glass: mainly including various glass bottles, broken glass pieces, mirrors, thermos and so on.

Metal objects: mainly including cans, cans, etc.

Cloths: mainly including discarded clothes, tablecloths, washcloths, school bags, shoes, etc.

These wastes can be recycled and reused through comprehensive treatment, which can reduce pollution and save resources. For example, for every 1 ton of waste paper recycled, 850 kg of paper can be made, saving 300 kg of wood, and reducing pollution by 74% compared with the same amount of production; every 1 ton of plastic beverage bottles recycled can get 0.7 tons of secondary raw materials; Smelting 0.9 ton of steel can save 47% of the cost compared with ore smelting, reduce air pollution by 75%, and reduce water pollution and solid waste by 97%.

Food waste bagging

Commonly used plastic bags, even degradable ones, are far more difficult to corrode than kitchen waste. In addition, plastic bags themselves are recyclable waste. The correct way should be to put the kitchen waste into the trash can, and throw the plastic bag into the "recyclable garbage" bin.

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