
The use and classification of trash cans


Trash cans are the containers in which people "put garb […]

Trash cans are the containers in which people "put garbage" in their lives.
Garbage cans can also be called garbage cans, which can be divided into outdoor garbage cans and household garbage cans in terms of use occasions. In terms of the form of garbage, it can be divided into independent trash cans and classified trash cans. The processing materials can be divided into plastic trash cans, stainless steel trash cans, ceramic trash cans, wooden trash cans, cement trash cans and pulp trash cans, etc.

1. Public trash cans
It has special requirements for the environment: it can withstand high and low temperature under natural outdoor conditions, and has sufficient mechanical strength and good impact toughness. Easy to clean and able to blend in with the environment. Such as stainless steel trash can, steel and wood trash can, etc.

2.The family trash can
Mainly used in bathroom and kitchen.
In the kitchen and bathroom, it is best to use a trash can with a lid with strong airtightness. Even if you use an open trash can with a plastic bag inside, you must always tie the bag tightly. Moreover, it is best to take out the garbage every day, especially the raw garbage and toilet garbage, and it cannot be left in the trash can overnight. This will prevent mildew and odor. Such as household plastic trash cans.

3. Outdoor trash cans
It is mainly placed in various public places such as units, schools, city streets, parks and districts, scenic spots, and squares.

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